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Tuesday, 30 January 2018

1/30/2018 03:13:00 pm

Log Analytics With Deep Learning And Machine Learning

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What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a type of Neural Network Algorithm that takes metadata as an input and process the data through some layers of the nonlinear transformation of the input data to compute the output.

This algorithm has a unique feature, i.e., automatic feature extraction. It means that this algorithm automatically grasps the relevant features required for the solution of the problem.

It reduces the burden on the programmer to select the features explicitly. It can be used to solve supervised, unsupervised or semi-supervised type of challenges.

In Deep Learning Neural Network, each hidden layer is responsible for training the unique set of features based on the output of the previous layer. As the number of hidden layers increases, the complexity and abstraction of data also increase.

It forms a hierarchy of low-level features to high-level features. With this, it becomes possible that Deep Learning Algorithm can be used to solve higher complex problems consisting of a vast number of nonlinear transformational layers.

Machine Learning Vs Deep Learning

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a set of the technique used for the processing of large data by developing algorithms and set of rules to deliver the required results to the user. It is the method used for developing automated machines by execution of algorithms and set of defined rules.

In Machine Learning, data is fed and set of rules are executed by the algorithm. Therefore, techniques of Machine Learning can be categorized as instructions that are executed and learned automatically to produce optimum results.

It is performed without any human interference. It automatically turns the data into patterns and goes deep inside the system for the detection of production problem automatically.

What is Deep about Deep Learning?

The traditional neural network consists of at most two layers, and this type of structure of the Neural Network is not suitable for the computation of larger networks. Therefore, a neural network having more than 10 or even 100 layers are introduced.

This type of structure is meant for Deep Learning. In this, a stack of the layer of neurons is developed. The lowest layer in the stack is responsible for the collection of raw data such as images, videos, text, etc.

Each neuron of the lowest layer will store the information and pass the information further to the next layer of neurons and so on. As the information flows within the neurons of layers hidden information of the data is extracted.

So, we can conclude that as the data moves from lowest layer to highest layer (running deep inside the neural network), more abstracted information is collected.

Classes of Deep Learning Architecture

  • Deep Learning for Unsupervised Learning

This type of deep learning is used when labels of the target variable are not provided, and higher correlation has to be computed from observed units for Pattern Analysis.

  • Hybrid Deep Networks

In this approach, the goal can be accomplished either by using supervised learning for performing pattern analysis or by using Unsupervised Learning.

Hidden Layers in Deep Learning

Deep Learning works by the architecture of the network and the optimum procedure employed by the architecture. The type of network followed is known as a Directed graph. The graph is designed in such a way that each hidden layer is connected to every hidden node.

So, combination and recombination of outputs from all units of hidden layer are performed in the context of the mix of their activation functions. This procedure is known as Non-Linear Transformation. After that optimum process is applied to the network to produce optimum weights for each unit of a layer.

It is the whole routine for the flow of information inside the hidden layers to produce required target output.

Too many hidden layers present in the algorithm is not feasible. It is because the neural network is trained with the simple gradient descent procedure. If a huge number of hidden layers are involved in the algorithm, then this gradient descent will be reduced that further affects the output.

Difference Between Neural Networks and Deep Learning Neural Networks

Neural Network is a network that can use any network such as feedforward or recurrent network having 1 or 2 hidden layers. But, when the number of hidden layers increases, i.e., more than two then that is known as Deep Learning Neural Network.

Neural Network is less complicated and requires more information about features for performing feature selection and feature engineering method. On the other hand, Deep Learning Neural Network does not need any information about features rather they show optimum model tuning and model selection on their own.

Neural Networks vs Deep Learning Neural Networks

Why Deep Learning is Important?

In today’s generation usage of smartphones and chips have increased drastically. Therefore, more and more images, text, videos, and audios are created day by day. But, as we know that a single layer neural network can compute complex function.

On the contrary, for the computation of complex features Deep Learning is needed. It is because deep nets within the deep learning method can develop a complex hierarchy of concepts.

Another point is that when unsupervised data is collected, and machine learning is executed on it, manually labeling of data has to be performed by the human being. This process is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, to overcome this problem deep learning is introduced as they can identify the particular data.

Why Deep Learning Neural Network is Important?

Various methods are introduced for the analysis of log file such as pattern recognition methods like K-N Algorithm, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes Algorithm, etc. due to the presence of a large amount of log data, these traditional methods are not feasible to produce efficient results.

Deep Learning Neural Network shows excellent performance in analyzing the log data. It consists of good computational power and automatically extracts the features required for the solution of the problem. Deep learning is a subpart of Artificial Intelligence. It is a deeply layered learning process of the sensor areas in the brain.

Deep Learning Techniques

Different techniques of Deep Learning are described below -

  • Convolutional Neural Networks

It is a type of network that constitutes of learning weight and biases. Every input layer is composed of a set of neurons where at every input a dot product is performed and move further with the concept of non-linearity. It is a kind of fully-connected type of network that uses SVM/Softmax function as a loss function.

  • Restricted Boltzmann Machine

It is a kind of stochastic neural network that consists of one layer of visible units, one layer of hidden units and a bias unit. The architecture is developed in such a way that each visible unit is connected to all hidden units, and bias units are attached to all visible and hidden units. During the learning process, the restriction is developed so that no visible unit is connected with any visible units and no hidden unit is connected with any hidden unit.

  • Recursive Neural Network

It is the type of deep learning neural network that uses same weights recursively for performing structure prediction about the problem. The stochastic gradient is used for training the network using backpropagation algorithm.

5 Amazing Applications of Deep Learning

  • Biological Analogs

In the case of the Artificial Neural Network the lowest layer can extract only essential features of the dataset. Therefore, the convolutional layer is used with the combination of pooling layers. It is performed to increase the robustness of features extraction. The highest convolutional layer is developed from the features of previous layers. These most top layers are responsible for the detection of highly sophisticated features.

  • Image Classification

To recognize the human face, first the edges are detected by the Deep Learning Algorithm to form the first hidden layer. Then, by combining the sides, next shapes are generated as a second hidden layer. After that shapes are combined to create the required human face. In this way, other objects can also be recognized.

  • Natural Language Processing

Reviews of movies or videos are gathered together to train them using Deep Learning Neural Network for the evaluation of reviews of films.

  • Automatic Text Generation

In this case, a large recurrent Neural Network is used to train the text so that relationships between the sequence of strings could be determined. After learning the model, the text is generated word by speech/character by character.

  • Drug Discovery

Deep Learning Neural Network is trained on gene expression levels, and scores of activations are used for the prediction of therapeutic use categories.

Deep Learning Application Areas

Deep learning neural network plays a major role in knowledge discovery, knowledge application, and last but least knowledge-based prediction. Areas of usage of deep learning are listed below -

  • Power image recognition and tagging
  • Fraud Detection
  • Customer recommendations
  • Used for analyzing satellite images
  • Financial marketing
  • Stock market prediction and much more

Data Used for Deep Learning

Deep Learning can be applied to any data such as sound, video, text, time series, and images. The features needed within the data are described below:

  • The data should be relevant according to the problem statement.
  • To perform the proper classification, the dataset should be labeled. In other words, labels have to be applied to the raw data set manually.
  • Deep Learning accepts vectors as an input. Therefore, the input data set should be in the form of vectors and same length. This process is known as Data Processing.
  • Data should be stored at one storage place such as file system, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). If the data is stored in different locations which are not inter-related with each other then, Data Pipeline is needed. The development and processing of Data Pipeline is a time-consuming task.

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Tuesday, 23 January 2018

1/23/2018 10:57:00 am

Real-Time Streaming Data Analytics For IoT

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What is Fast Data?

A few years ago, we remembered the time when it was just impossible to analyze petabytes of data. The emergence of Hadoop made it possible to run analytical queries on our vast amount of historical data.

As we know, Big Data is a buzz from last few years, but Modern Data Pipelines are always receiving data at a high ingestion rate. So this constant flow of data at high velocity is termed as Fast Data.

So Fast data is not about just volume of data like Data Warehouses in which data is measured in GigaBytes, TeraBytes or PetaBytes. Instead, we measure volume but concerning its incoming rate like MB per second, GB per hour, TB per day. So Volume and Velocity both are considered while talking about Fast Data.

Real-Time Streaming Data

Nowadays, there are a lot of Data Processing platforms available to process data from our ingestion platforms. Some support streaming of data and other supports real streaming of data which is also called Real-Time data.

Streaming means when we can process the data at the instant as it arrives and then processing and analyzing it at ingestion time. But in streaming, we can consider some amount of delay in streaming data from ingestion layer.

But Real-time data needs to have tight deadlines regarding time. So we usually believe that if our platform can capture any event within 1 ms, then we call it as real-time data or real streaming.

But When we talk about taking business decisions, detecting frauds and analyzing real-time logs and predicting errors in real-time, all these scenarios comes to streaming. So Data received instantly as it arrives termed as Real-time data.

Real-Time Data Streaming Tools & Frameworks

So in the market, there are a lot of open sources technologies available like Apache Kafka in which we can ingest data at millions of messages per sec. Also Analyzing Constant Streams of data is also made possible by Apache Spark StreamingApache FlinkApache Storm.

Real-Time Data Streaming Frameworks

Apache Spark Streaming is the tool in which we specify the time-based window to stream data from our message queue. So it does not process every message individually. We can call it as the processing of real streams in micro batches.

Whereas Apache Storm and Apache Flink can stream data in real-time.

Why Real-Time Streaming?

As we know that Hadoop, S3 and other distributed file systems are supporting data processing in huge volumes and also we can query them using their different frameworks like Hive which uses MapReduce as their execution engine.

Why we Need Real-Time Streaming?

A lot of organizations are trying to collect as much data as they can regarding their productsservices or even their organizational activities like tracking employees activities through various methods used like log tracking, taking screenshots at regular intervals.

So Data Engineering allows us to convert this data into basic formats and Data Analysts then turn this data into useful results which can help the organization to improve their customer experiences and also boost their employee's productivity.

But when we talk about log analytics, fraud detection or real-time analytics, this is not the way we want our data to be processed.The actual value data is in processing or acting upon it at the instant it receives.

Imagine we have a data warehouse like hive having petabytes of data in it. But it allows us to just analyze our historical data and predict future.

So processing of huge volumes of data is not enough. We need to process them in real-time so that any organization can take business decisions immediately whenever an important event occurs. This is required in Intelligence and surveillance systems, fraud detection, etc.

Earlier handling of these constant streams of data at high ingestion rate is managed by firstly storing the data and then running analytics on it.

But organizations are looking for the platforms where they can look into business insights in real-time and act upon them in real-time.

Alerting platforms are also built on the top of these real-time streams. But Effectiveness of these platform lies in the fact that how honestly we are processing the data in real-time.

Use Of Reactive Programming & Functional Programming

Now when we are thinking of building our alerting platforms, anomaly detectionengines, etc. on the top of our real-time data, it is vital to consider the style of programming you are following.

Nowadays, Reactive Programming and Functional Programming are at their boom.

What is Reactive Programming?

So, we can consider Reactive Programming as subscriber and publisher pattern. Often, we see the column on almost every website where we can subscribe to their newsletter, and whenever the newsletter is posted by the editor, whosoever have got subscription will get the newsletter via email or some other way.

So the difference between Reactive and Traditional Programming is that the data is available to the subscriber as soon as it receives. And it is made possible by using Reactive Programming model. In Reactive Programming, whenever any events occur, there are certain components (classes) that had registered to that event. So instead of invoking target elements by event generator, all targets automatically get triggered whenever any event occurs.

What is Functional Programming?

Now when we are processing data at high rate, concurrency is the point of concern. So the performance of our analytics job highly depends upon memory allocation/deallocation. So in Functional Programming, we don’t need to initialize loops/iterators on our own.

We will be using Functional Programming styles to iterate over the data in which CPU itself takes care of allocation and deallocation of data and also makes the best use of memory which results in better concurrency or parallelism.

Real-Time Big Data Streaming Architecture

While Streaming and Analyzing the real-time data, there are chances that some messages can be missed or in short, the problem is how we can handle data errors.

So, there are two types of architectures which are used while building real-time pipelines.

  • Lambda Architecture for Big Data 

This architecture was introduced by Nathan Marz in which we have three layers to provide real-time streaming and compensate any data error occurs if any. The three layers are Batch Layer, Speed layer, and Serving Layer.

Lambda Architecture For Big Data

So data is routed to batch layer and speed layer by our data collector concurrently. So Hadoop is our batch layer, and Apache Storm is our speed layer. And NoSQL data store like Cassandra, MongoDB is our serving layer in which analyzed results will be stored.

So the idea behind these layers was that the seed layer would be providing real-time results into serving layer and if any data errors or any data is missed while stream processing, then batches job will compensate that and the MapReduce job will run at the regular interval and updates our serving layer, so providing accurate results.

  • Kappa Architecture for Big Data 

Now The above Lambda architecture solves our problem for data error and also provide flexibility to provide real-time and accurate results to the user.

Kappa Architecture for Big Data

But Apache Kafka founders raise the question on this Lambda architecture, they loved the benefits provided by the lambda architecture, but they also state that it is tough to build the pipeline and maintain analysis logic in both batch and speed layer.

So If we use frameworks like Apache spark streaming, Flink, Beam they provide support for both batch and real-time streaming. So it will be straightforward for developers to maintain the logical part of the data pipeline.

Real-Time Streaming and Data Analytics For IoT

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Tuesday, 16 January 2018

1/16/2018 03:56:00 pm

The Ultimate DevOps Toolkit

The Ultimate DevOps Toolkit

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DevOps isn't a tool or a product. DevOps is a process and balanced organization approach for improving collaboration, communication among development and operation.

Redesigning and find new ways for faster and Reliable Delivery for accelerated time to market, improved manageability, better operational efficiency, and more time to focus on your core business goals.



Building Open-Source DevOps Toolchain

During Transformation Towards Agile & DevOps, DevOps needs a platform where we can define workflow with different Integrations. Implementing DevOps Culture into your workflow requires using of specialized tools.
Below is an outline of each key category of tools that need to be in your DevOps Toolkit, and the leading technologies to consider as you build the DevOps toolkit that best supports your team and your organization.

Source Code Management Tools

Everything we build can be expressed through code. But when everything is the code you need to be sure that you can control and perform branching on it – otherwise things could get chaotic. So to avoid that chaos we use SCM Tools that includes -


  • GitHub is a web-based Git or Version Control Repository


  • Gitlab provided Git Repository Management, Code Review, Issue Tracking, Activity Feeds and Wikis.

Continuous Integration Tools

Continuous Integration is a fundamental best practice of modern Software Development. By Setting up an effective Continuous Integration environment, we can

  • Reduce Integration Issues
  • Improve Code Quality
  • Improve Communication and Collaboration between Team Members
  • Faster Releases
  • Less Bugs


Continuous Integration using Jenkins

  • Jenkins is used as Continuous Integration Platform to merge code from individual developers into a single project, multiple times per day and test continuously to avoid any downstream problems.

Overview of Jenkins Features

  • Integration with SCM Tools
  • Secret Management
  • SSH-Based Access Management
  • Scheduling and Chaining of Build Jobs
  • Source Code Change Based Triggers
  • Worker/Slave Nodes
  • Rest API Support
  • Notification Management

Build Tools in DevOps

While building our organization, we have invested much of our time in research as which DevOps Tools we need to include in our DevOps toolkit and which not to. These decisions are based on our years of experience in IT industry. We've taken great care in selecting, benchmarking and continually improving our tools selection.

By sharing our Tools, we hope to foster a discussion within the DevOps community so that we can further improve.

Apache Maven For DevOps

  • Apache Maven is a Software Project Management and Comprehension Tool. Based on the concept of a Project Object Model (POM), Apache Maven can manage a project's build, reporting, and documentation from a central piece of information.

Apache Ant

  • Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.

Gradle Build Tool

  • Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development.

Grunt - Javascript Task Runner

  • Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequently used functions such as Minification, Compilation, Unit Testing, Linting, etc.

GNU Make

  • Make is a build automation tool that automatically builds executable.

Packer - Build Automated Machine Images

  • Packer is a free and open source tool for creating golden images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

Tools For Continuous Testing

To achieve the desired business goals of DevOps, you need to have an accurate, real-time measure of the risks and quality assurance of the features in your Delivery Pipeline and this can only be achieved through extensive and precise testing.

Following are the testing tools being used by us to automate and streamline our DevOps Processes

Unit Testing With JUnit

  • JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests.

Mocha - JavaScript Test Framework

  • Mocha is a simple, flexible, fun JavaScript test framework for Node.js.


Artifacts Repository Management Tools

Now that your build pipeline consistently versions your Maven project, you need a place to store your objects which are being produced at the end of this pipeline. These artifacts need to be stored much the same way your source code is stored in your Source Code Management System.

This ensures access to previously released versions of your product. An Artifact Repository is designed to store your war/jar/ear/etc., and distribute it to fellow developers via Maven, Ivy, or the like, share your artifact with you deployment tools, and ensure an immutable history of your released products.

  • Using a Standard Artifacts Management System such as Artifactory
  • Caching Third-Party Tools

Configuration Management Tools

Configuration management is the process of standardizing resource configurations and enforcing their state across IT infrastructure in an automated yet agile manner.

Ansible - Simple IT Automation

  • Ansible is an agentless configuration management system which relies on SSH protocol.

Chef & Puppet

  • Chef and Puppet are agent-based configuration management system.


Continuous Deployment Tools

Continuous Deployment is a software development practice in which every code change goes through the entire pipeline and is put into production, automatically, resulting in many production deployments every day.

Supervisor - Process Control System

  • The Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control some processes on UNIX-like operating systems.

PM2 - Production Process Manager For Node.JS

  • PM2 is an advanced, production process manager for Node.js.

Forever - CLI Tool

  • Forever is simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously.


DevOps Orchestration Tools

Software systems that facilitate the automated management, scaling, discovery, and deployment of container-based applications or workloads.

Kubernetes - Container Orchestration

  • Kubernetes is an orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling and manages workloads based on user-defined parameters.

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